Got a job at a new place opening up downtown. Had an interview with the owner who was a little crazy. In a fun way so I felt completely at ease. He reminded me of the men I met in Texas, my friend’s neighbors and the small businessmen having their business lunches while we were on our quest for the best burger in Fort Worth. I felt pretty comfortable and he kept asking all sorts of hilariously inappropriate questions and I just played and flirted along (confidence boosted by my especially spunky hair). He was testing my obnoxious customer/flirty drunk handling skills and since my roommate and a disproportionate number of the men I know fit this bill, I am an expert handler (I know how it sounds). Anyway, I found out after the interview that he owns another restaurant in Ft. Worth. So now I have a quick way to endear myself to him (and become his favorite). I have no problem earning valuable suck-up points for future use. I always seem to need them in the end. I inevitably speak my mind (I did not mention this in the interview). Anyway, seems like he will be a fun dude to work for as long as I work hard, which I always do. Of course, as soon as I say this, he will turn out to be a jackass, and I will end up hating him. Either way, I need the money. And something to do during the day.
The best part is that it’s fine dining which should mean better tips, and I get to learn about wine and get experience in fine dining, which makes it easier to get other such positions should the need arise, and I hope it doesn’t because so far everything seems cool. And the place is right across the street from the comedy club/piano lounge where I spend too much time and money. But I did the open mic on a couple weeks ago and it went great. I was the only woman in the line up. And the first one of the night to get any laughs, even some I didn't expect, and I even had to stop and wait for some clapping once or twice. Woohoo! It was amazing. Like, I think the point of my life has been revealed to me kind of fun. Like, I could write tragedy that would break your heart, but I'm not willing to go there anymore lest I break my own, so I'll just tell you funny stories about my idiot self and we'll all laugh about it, and I’ll feel connected and human and not so much like the conduit for all human suffering kind of fun.