Saturday, September 17, 2011

Foremost Expert in My Field of Study

The personal is political. It’s true. Correct. Logical. Whatever.

But the reverse is also true (Read post-structuralists). The political is personal. Just like business is personal. Just like every mother fucking thing that happens in this world both is and is not personal. It isn’t personal because it is just the way the universe works. People die. People get fired. People make laws that have nothing to do with us personally. But it affects us, everything that happens in the universe, maybe to different degrees under different circumstances in different settings, but that is exactly what makes it ‘personal.’

Everything. Every single thing we encounter is processed through our own ‘personal’ point of understanding.

There’s just no way around that.

So when I talk about my own story, talk about my own reactions, reflect on my own understandings, I am not being any more self-indulgent than the rest of you, nor am I filled with an inordinate amount of self-conceit. I am just choosing to converse about the only thing in which I am truly an expert. When we are finally conscious enough, we understand it’s the only expertise any of us really possess. It’s all personal.

Having said all of that, I've been using this blog as a personal sounding board, an open studio of sorts. It's a bit of a departure from where I started when I wrote years ago, but it's working for me. And I intend to continue being self-indulgent and exploring my own thoughts and whims in the hope that I will be able to use my specialized knowledge of the subject to make sense of the rest of the world around me.

Because the rest of the world is fucked up.

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